163 Aluf David St.
Ramat Gan, Israel 5223620 Israel
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Our experts have a proven track record of many years in various industry sectors, covering both the technological and the business-related aspects of making the most out of data. We do all this by employing our unique RAPID methodology. BIyond is a business partner of AWS, Snowflake, Rivery, Fivetran, DBT, Microsoft Azure, and more. Our services include: 1. Data & Analytics Roadmap (DAR): a strategic plan for Analytics solutions that help organizations become Data-Driven . 2. End-to-end Analytics solution implementation: implementing end-to-end Data Analytics solutions. 3. Data Science and Machine Learning solutions: Our Data Science team is capable of handling any business-case end-to-end, using a variety of models, techniques and technologies for storing, processing and visualizing data.